Forensic Psychology LLC

Frequently Asked Questions

Fees are charged hourly, so it depends on how long the evaluation takes. A non-refundable retainer is required to begin work on a case. Contact us for more information about our current rates for different types of evaluations. 

I am licensed in Louisiana, Ohio, Nevada, and West Virginia and accept cases in these states. States generally do not allow psychologists who are not licensed in their state to practice there. Forensic services that do not involve an examinee (record reviews, report writing) are generally not considered “practice” for this purpose. Testimony may or may not be. Telehealth with an examinee in another state is considered practicing in that state and requires a license. Some states will grant temporary approval for a psychologist licensed in another state to practice for a specific purpose. 

This depends on the type of evaluation needed and individual characteristics of the examinee and could involve anything from one hour long session to several 7-8 hour sessions. Time spent interviewing, testing, or observing the examinee is only part of the time spent on an evaluation, and sometimes a very small part. Most of the time is spent reviewing records, analyzing data, and writing the report. 

I do not offer treatment to individuals who are seen or might be seen for a forensic evaluation. Forensic evaluations must be done by an impartial and objective forensic evaluator. This role is at odds with the role of a treatment provider who seeks to help clients.  While these roles are regularly combined in government-funded programs and state facilities and by professionals from other disciplines, the widely accepted professional ethics code for psychologists cautions against doing so. The nature of psychological treatment in many instances involves more personal disclosure and vulnerability than other interventions. Assuming a psychologist was capabable of being objective in such circumstances, the therapeutic relationship or the possibility of one in the future would likely not survive an objective report to the Court.  

Yes, however, some jails may require a court order or a letter from the defendant’s attorney for me to enter to do an evaluation.

Both are mental illness experts. Psychologists typically administer psychological tests and do psychotherapy whereas psychiatrists are medical doctors who prescribe medication for mental illnesses. 

I am not able to accept any type of insurance as payment for services. Psychological services that are court-ordered or undertaken in the context of litigation are generally not considered “medically necessary” and are not covered by insurance providers or Medicaid/Medicare. 

Clinical training does not begin until the graduate level for psychologists. I offer clinical supervision for postdoctoral level psychologists from APA-accredited doctoral programs who are interested in forensic assessment.  I may also work with graduate students from local doctoral clinical training programs.  


Committed to upholding the highest ethical and professional standards

Highly Qualified

Well-trained in psychological testing and measurement of behavior with a strong background in empirical science and research methods


Years of experience in public mental health and forensic facilities working with state and federal agencies

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